When we think of Valentine’s Day, I think we are programmed to think about a day designed for the lovers of this world. Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends and basically anyone we care to fancy the pants off of?! What if it didn’t have to be about that though? What if it could just be about who we love, the “people” for whom we care the most, who we couldn’t get through each day without. It will be no secret to anyone reading this that, for me, that “person” is about thirty centimetres tall, snores loudly and wakes each day with an abundance of enthusiasm for life like no one I have ever known before. I am, of course, talking about Boris; my one and only.
I have written before about how much Boris has helped me in the past two years of life. He has helped me have a reason to get up many mornings, and to get out the house when I least felt like it. He really is my little saviour, and has done so much for me; isn’t it about time that I did something for him? That’s exactly what I thought!
When notonthehighstreet asked me to think of someone I would love to treat to something special this Valentines; of course, it should have been my darling husband who sprang immediately to mind (and if he’s reading this, obviously you were my first thought my dear), but then, then there was Boris. I decided to treat him to all of the things that would make him feel super-special as a way of saying a big thank you for all he has done for me. Some people might think that treating my pug to a Valentines bonanza has finally tipped me straight over the edge into crazy-pug-lady territory. I think you are possibly right (Ok, you are. Happy now?); but, sometimes Valentines doesn’t have to just be for the lovers, it can (and should) be for everyone. Anyway, who said that pugs don’t want to celebrate too?
First stop? A new bed of course! We all know how much my main squeeze loves to snooze his way through the day. Morning, afternoon; he’s not fussed. He’s just after a cosy spot to settle down to treat us to his tuneful snore. I chose the Mutts & Hounds doughnut bed in bone print. Every bed I choose for Boris always has to match the décor in the house (I can see no excuse for garish pet accessorises at home?), so naturally I went for the bed in mushroom; although I was very tempted by the Heather (pink!). He’s taken to it like a duck to water, settling down the second it was unpacked. I have to say, that the quality of the bed is just brilliant, and I am unsure why he’s never had one before?
Now, of course, no serious pug-about-town would be complete without a new bow tie collar, would they? I mean, how can he even expect to be taken seriously without one? Boris has had a bow tie before (one that attached to his collar), but this Dober & Dasch bow tie collar was a must-have! They do so many patterns, but as it is Valentines we went for a seasonal red check! I think we all know that this is coming out again at Christmas ( or anytime that I deem it acceptable to put him in a bowtie?!). I have to say that Boris absolutely loves wearing a collar, or anything I put on him, he is never phased or fussed, and always seems keen to try everything on!
I couldn’t have him enjoying all of these new treats without being at his absolute fresh-best, could I? Time for a bath! I’ll be honest, he can be an itchy little chap at times, sometimes it drives me mad, and I have to be so careful what I use to wash him. He has quite a sensitive skin I think, and if I wash him too often, or not in the right product, then he ends up scratching away at himself. He loves bath time, so we used WildWash for sensitive coats, which was absolutely perfect for his sensitive little soul. The best part for me though? WildWash products contain no parabens, phthlates, phosphates, petrochemicals, sulphates and no PEGs; absolutely no nasties! They also use 100% Pure Essential Oils – which means no extracts, infusions, synthetic or semi synthetic fragrances. I don’t think I could think of anything better to use on him, and it seems (fingers crossed) to have stopped his scratching altogether!

Always time for a selfie….
Boris was so pleased with his new gifts; he had never felt so special (Obviously I could see that in his face). Who would have thought that there were so many personalised pug-related treats that could make his celebration so perfect? As I sat at the table, sipping coffee from my mug, reading the card I had sent to a pug who simply cannot read, and eating the beautiful biscuits that, quite clearly, he wasn’t allowed to eat and had been selected out of my pure desire to selfishly get in on his celebration of all things pug; I thought to myself…… “They are right. You have lost it?”
Honestly though, who cares? Celebrate who you want to celebrate, and enjoy doing just that. Just as long as you remember to love thoughtfully this Valentine’s Day, then that’s just fine by me.
If you are looking for inspiration to show that special someone in your life just how much they mean to you this Valentine’s Day, then pop on over to notonthehighstreet.com where you are set to find all that you need (and of course, the things you never knew you needed!). You can also search the hashtag #lovethoughtfully for some Valentines inspiration!
Elle x
(& Boris, who is still devastated that he wasn’t allowed to eat those biscuits.)
[This blog post has been created as part of a paid partnership with notonthehighstreet; but, as always, all writing and opinions are my own.]
Beautiful written.. I have my Wilma but no hubby.. So this entry was right up my alley.. Thank you sweet Elle.. Love your way of putting words on things in a way thats so lovely <3 <3 <3
I love this my dog has literally saved me on more than one occasion – go crazy dog people!!!
Loved this, I too am crazy about my little Bichon Alf, it’s the best way to be! Xo