It seems quite surreal to be writing about this now, when we are living in a time when rainbows appear to have become such a symbol of hope for us all in these unprecedented times. Of course, for us, like so many bereaved parents, the rainbow has long symbolised the hope and happiness that we have dreamt of.
What I didn’t know when I penned my last blog entry in November (here) following our last failed IVF attempt, was that I was, in fact, already expecting a miracle. It will come as no surprise to anyone that we were in complete and utter shock when we found out. As far as we were concerned we were all set to go for a frozen round of IVF, using one of our 14 embryos, and due to start as soon as my next period made it’s appearance. Consultant appointment done; meds and needles in the cupboard; proposed treatment dates in hand. I was itching in anticipation to make that call to the clinic to tell them that my period had arrived and we were ready to get on the medication merri-go-round once more; but that period never came. When it didn’t, the only thing left to do was test; something I felt so scared to even try. You see, I had given up peeing on sticks a long time ago; for fear of heartbreak. I had no idea if I had ovulated that month, or when. So I waited a few more days, and then a few more, certain that my period would arrive.
It didn’t. As I sat in the bathroom on that morning, staring at what felt like an impossible result that had appeared in the little window on the stick in my hand, I was shaking uncontrollably. My husband was downstairs making me a cup of tea, so I threw on my dressing gown, stumbled down in a haze of shock and thrust it into his hand. As he looked down at it with a puzzled expression, and we both stood there in silence for what felt like an eternity, he eventually looked up at me and said “I don’t understand?“, to which I replied “Neither do I. Surprise!” Needless to say we both hugged and sobbed and went about the rest of our day in a bubble of bliss. I found myself swinging from complete and utter elation, daring to imagine this could be our time, then swinging back to crippling fear in the next breath. We spent that day in London as we had planned to; we had lunch, looked around the shops as things were starting to get a bit festive, and generally grinned like Cheshire cats. As we walked back over the footbridge to Waterloo, we took a very cheesey photo, because I wanted to hold onto that moment of happiness forever, just in case.
When we told our parents, the shock and confusion on their faces was also pretty easy to read. I said to my Mum and Dad on facetime “So, we’ve decided not to go ahead with our round of IVF.” I watched as my Mum’s puzzled face looked crestfallen. “Because we don’t need to….because I’m pregnant.” Both of their faces changed instantly, to wide smiles and then tears. I won’t ever forget it. It felt like the best early Christmas present we could have given them. We decided to wait a few more weeks until we told our siblings, and until after at least two scans before we told any friends. I think I was around 14 weeks before I told my best friends. This time I felt like I had to hold onto it for as long as I could for the sake of my anxiety, I felt like I had so much to lose. Gradually, over the following weeks, we began to tell a few more people as and when we saw them or heard from them. I would love to say that as each week passed that it filled us with more confidence, but even now, a few months down the line, each day can still feel like a week. I keep joking to my husband that it’s like being an elephant….pregnant for two years?!
Scans have been petrifying. Not because there has ever been any sign that something was seriously wrong, but because when scans have only ever brought bad news in recent years, it’s what your brain comes to expect. I declined an early scan in December, because I wanted to be able to get to a point that the pregnancy, and a heartbeat, would be definitively seen, or not. I didn’t want the weight of confusion or doubt hanging over us at “the most wonderful time of the year”. As someone who has had enough cancelled Christmas’s, I didn’t need another. Instead we decided to keep it to ourselves, host, enjoy, and hope for the best.
I asked for the screens to be turned off and turned away in that first scan, as I squeezed my husbands hand to breaking point. My jeans already didn’t fit me, there had to be a growing baby in there, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe it. I won’t forget the words the doctor said when she scanned over my tummy that first time, as if to reassure me the very first second she got the chance “The baby is fine.” Tears streaming down both of our faces, and the face of the nurse who had comforted us so many times on previous visits, and the sound of a little heartbeat pumping through the monitor. A sound that I had hoped for, for so long.
I discovered that January was a good month to be in hiding. I was looking pregnant and wanted to hide it for as long as possible. I had spent the week between Christmas and New year in the peak of morning sickness; wretching at everything and desperately trying to reassure myself that these were all good signs. So when sickness subsided and I could just focus on hiding and eating; I revelled in my new-found hibernation status. No one expects to see you in January, and if they did it was the season for oversized knitwear….perfect. When we began telling people it felt like a huge relief, but at the same time it became real, and the fear that I had hoped would slowly subside, suddenly stepped up a notch.
I want to say that in the months that have passed since, and with the third trimester hurtling towards us, that the fear has passed. I remember a midwife saying to me early on in my pregnancy “We tend to find that women who have experienced loss find that their anxiety eases when they get past the point in their pregnancy where they lost their last baby; but I suppose that might not happen for you. Just be kind to yourself each day.” That was when it dawned on me; perhaps it won’t, not until we have a baby who is four days old, a milestone never reached. So now, each day, I walk around, reassured by the kicks and wriggles of whoever is currently residing in there, and happy that they have made it to another day. And as Boris and I walk around the streets on our daily (government approved) walk, I stare at those rainbows in the windows and hope that the brightest rainbow we are yet to lay eyes on will be with us safely in the summer…
Elle x
Such a wonderful read. I am truly so happy for you. Like you I am carrying a very precious rainbow after two losses. One at 16 and one at 6 weeks. The anxiety of it all does not pass for me though. I’m two weeks away from induction and absolutely bricking it if I am honest. I won’t relax till she is here…even then I won’t relax. I will forever feel like I am on high alert. I’m having to attend growth scans alone which is always a petrifying experience for the very reason you mention in this post. When all you know is bad news it becomes a highly charged experience. I’ve also referred to this pregnancy as an elephant’s pregnancy. 11 years trying and since August 2018 I’ve either been pregnant or trying to get pregnant. I’m 40 this year and so close to finally bringing our baby home! Wishing you all the very best xxxx
You are the best story teller and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shedding a tear right now Elle!
As I said earlier, no one deserves this more than you and your beautiful family. I am just so excited to meet your rainbow and praying for a safe delivery and happy baby x
What a story you will have to tell your baby about the year they were born that they will read about in future history books. Enjoy your pregnancy and the future you have together as a family with Teddy watching over you all. 🌈 xxxx
A beautiful read. Sending you so much love and hope. Congratulations xx
I’m so so happy for you – actually cried happy tears when you posted it the other week! 💙 I’m pregnant too with a rainbow baby (due early August) and know how extra anxiety inducing the world is right now. Just stay in your bubble, look after yourself and enjoy every kick 🌈
Flamin eck. Bawling my eyes out. So truly happy for you. I understand ❤️
The best news for you and your family. Sending love and hugs your way ♥️🌈
I am some thrilled for your Elle, I was thinking just a few days before you shared your news how it was so unfair some fellow mums didn’t yet have a little rainbow. We lost our daughter Poppy at three days old after a full term pregnancy. When we welcomed our son just over a year later it wasn’t until he reached 4 days that I started to relax, now I’m pregnant again and although the anxiety isn’t as bad i still find it creeping in. I truly cannot wait for you to welcome your little rainbow in summer 🌈❤️
I’m definitely not crying 😭😭 As someone who has followed yours, Nico’s and Teddy’s story from the very early days, I know I speak for lots of insta strangers (!) when I tell you that this is the story we’ve all been waiting to hear 🌈 I couldn’t be happier for a family I’ve never met, and I wish you all nothing but a lifetime of happiness ahead. Sending lots of love and virtual hugs to you all 💕 and especially to the best big brother 💙 Teddy 💙 xxxx
Kerry, you have taken the words right out of my mouth! You have basically written exactly what I came to the comments to write ❤ The most wonderful news, for the most wonderful family. Congratulations Elle, Nico and Teddy 💙 xxx
Exactly what Kerry said! I never knew I could cry such happy tears for someone I have never met 🌈❤️ Sending you and Nico and your family so much love xxxxx
Definitely the news that thousands of strangers have been waiting for. I cried a lot of tears reading this blog entry.
As ever, a beautiful read Elle and an even more beautiful, albeit scary story to tell. Thank you for sharing. ❤️
The best news ever 😍
🌈 ❤
I’m one of your insta followers too and I’m just so happy for you, nico and boz. It’s the happiest news and I can remember being pregnant with my babies after loss and looking for a rainbow for a sign all will be well and well you truly have rainbows everywhere you look at the moment xx I can’t wait to see your little rainbow news xxx
The most wonderful post – thank you for sharing. So so happy for you and Nico, and praying for everything to go smoothly xx
I just couldn’t be happier to read this story or to have seen your wonderful news the other week. I know we’ve not met but I strongly suspect this happiness and rainbow couldn’t have happened to a lovelier person 💛 wishing you all the luck in the world x
Sending you all lots of love, what a lucky baby to have such wonderful parents waiting for them ♥️
I couldn’t be happier for you and your family, what an absolute blessing. I have never rooted so much for someone I have never met! Wishing you the safest and most magical arrival of Teddy and Boris’s brother or sister xxx
Reading this brought me tears of happiness for you Elle. I have been following your journey for a few years now, I started following you on Instagram because I liked your kitchen and well let’s face it Boris, it was Boris that sealed the deal. My partner and I were expecting our first baby in October 2020 but unfortunately we didn’t quite get there. I just have to say, this blog has helped me immensely. I want to thank you for sharing your story and in turn giving a platform for others to share theirs. We are trying for our rainbow baby with trepidation and yes, I think it will be a mix of both elation and fear. But you have helped normalise those feelings in a way by sharing your story. And that somehow brings comfort to many of us going through a similar journey. Thank you Elle, I can’t wait to see you hold that rainbow baby in your arms and for you to be planting tulips And sunflowers together 💛
This post made me so so so happy Elle! Sending you so much love!!! 💓
This is so lovely to read. Beautifully written.
Hope is what our angel babies give us. This week I told my rainbow baby (now 9 years old) all about his big sister who lives with all the other angels (and has done for the better part of 22years). I remember every day closer to those irrational milestones, every day hoping every day wishing. Teddy is your baby’s big brother and guardian angel. I wish you love and joy and sleepless nights (for the normal reasons with a newborn)!
Bless you all and stay safe! Xxx🌈
Sending lots of rainbow coloured love to you all! Wonderful news take care xxx
So bloody happy for you Elle! Beautiful writing as ever! 😘
Thank you for sharing this, it has brought a smile to my face just as your announcement did the other week. My heart has broken like I’m sure many of your followers, with you over the years. I cannot wait to hear your beautiful happy news when the time comes! Sending so much love 💛
What wonderful news. I’ve followed your story and I’m so happy for you both.
So happy for you Elle. X
So so pleased for you all. Such an emotional read ❤
I love reading your words. Congratulations 😘
The most beautifully written article.
My happiness for you all is immense. I wish you all the love and luck in the world.
Teddy & Boris are going to be big brother’s 💙 I can’t wait to see if Boris changes in any way!
Be kind to yourself every day Elle, it’s so nice to see your smile reaching your eyes again 🌈
So beautifully written Elle, your words echo the feelings that I remember so well after 4 miscarriages. Thankfully I went on to have 2 very precious rainbows, but I still remember the anxiety of those scans like it was yesterday.
I’m so happy for the two of you and can’t wait to see you holding that precious miracle in the months to come.
I’m sure your story will bring hope to many other couples experiencing pregnancy after devastating loss.
Lots of love and well wishes xxx
Such happy news 🌈 xx
Im not crying 😭
Im so happy for you both. We were told January 2019 that i wouldnt have another baby (i have a 7yr old) because i have severe PCOS. At the same time my mother in law was diagnosed with a brain tumour they gave her 6 months so i threw myself into caring for her 3 days before she died she told me i was pregnant i laughed it off and told her the morphine was talking. But then realised id not had any period at all so i did a test and i was pregnant…5 weeks so i went back to the hospital and told her.
As i write this i have my 4 week old little boy asleep in my arms. Miracles do happen. This baby will be perfect and i cant wait to hear your happy news soon. Love and best wishes Rachel Xx 🌈 💓💙
Beautiful! Crying, This is want we need to reading about at the moment! 💕
I’m in floods for you. This beautiful little rainbow has no idea how much love there is in the world for them already xxxxxx
Congratulations Elle xxxx
Thank you so much for sharing. For me the anxiety didn’t pass. I lost four babies through miscarriage and had a chemical pregnancy over a period of two years. I now lay next to my six month old 🌈 and I can promise you all the anxiety will be worth it in the end. Thank you for continuing to share your story your book and blog have ressonated so much with me in my journey. I’m so excited for you and to see your next chapter! 🌈❤️
I’m a mum of two rainbows, (both boys age 4 and 2) after losing our daughter Francesca in 2013 at 5 days old following a concealed placental abruption. I know exactly how you are feeling. Once we got to bring the boys home from hospital, a milestone we never reached with their big sister, the anxiety did subside. And I cannot tell you how much relief I felt when I got to hold both boys for the first time. Wishing you lots of courage and sending you lots of love for the rest of your journey with your rainbow baby.🌈 💕
Oh Elle, I am so thrilled for you both ❤️ X
I think your pregnancy announcement was the only one that has ever made me cry and we don’t even know each other 💕 but I have been following you for a few years now and just hoping and hoping for you. You both deserve it so much. This baby has no idea how loved they’re going to be 😊🥰
I lost my first baby too and I’m now nearly 26 weeks pregnant with our second – your experience of anxiety and hope while carrying your rainbow couldn’t ring more true for me. I’m praying that come summer we will both be holding our desperately wished for babies. Congratulations to you all, your hope and strength is an inspiration x x x 🌈☀️❤️
Beautiful read and truly so pleased for you xx ❤
Reading this in absolute elation with tears in my eyes. I can feel every word. So unbelievably happy for you. I had my rainbow last year after a miscarriage and then an ectopic that very nearly killed me. Pregnancy after loss (and almost death) was absolutely terrifying and I felt a little sad that we were robbed of the blissful happiness it should bring but we got through each day until she arrived. I hope you and your little family are doing as well as can be during these times and trying to enjoy your pregnancy. I have been hoping for this for you for so long.
Beautifully written as always. The rollercoaster of emotions must be exhilarating yet exhausting. Sending you all the love and happiness xx
I have the biggest smile on my face reading this. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy for someone I’ve never met before! Wishing you and your beautiful family all the love and happiness 🌈💖xxx
Beautifully written Elle. We lost our baby at the beginning of our first trimester. We had a TFMR. We now have our beautiful rainbow girl (8 months old. My pregnancy with her was filled with anxiety right up until I held her in my arms and knew she was fit and well. I look back on my Pregnancy now and wish I had Enjoyed it more and worried less but it is totally natural I guess. Try and enjoy this magical time as much as you can. Wishing you all the best
I’m so happy for you, Elle. I think many of us have been praying for this moment for you and Nico. I lost my baby daughter at 15 days old (around the same time you lost Teddy) and when my rainbow baby Alice was born whilst I breathed in the newborn cuddles, the grief and anxiety were palpable as I counted the days until she was older than her big sister. Great advice from your midwife. Sounds like you’ve got a brilliant team around you. We’re all rooting for you. Xxx
So beautifully written as always Elle, I read it with tears of happiness, our babies are the same age, I can’t wait to see your journey progress alongside mine 🌈😍
Beautiful ❤️ I’m so very very happy for you xx
What a beautiful read! Your book brought so much inspiration during the loss of our little boy, we suffered a miscarriage last month and I truelly find your journey very much a symbol of hope. 🌈 Thank you so so much for speaking and writing about it. I have no doubt you have helped so many ✨ wishing you the very best and I’m so excited for you 🙏🏼
So happy for you and all your family esp Carol! 😊
Like many we have never met but have followed your story and wish you all the happiness! 🌈💙
I have never been more thrilled about baby news from someone I don’t know and have never met. As a neonatal nurse, I see the most heartbreaking things and I am always elated when parents finally get to take a baby home. Your little one will be the most precious, wanted and loved baby ever. Xxx
I’m so happy for you . Both of you will be fantastic parents . 🌈💕💙. Xx
I felt myself welling up reading this ❤️ hearing you’re carrying your rainbow gives me hope that I will one day hold my own little one. After 2.5 years and 3 losses, I dream of the day.
Congratulations Elle 🌈 x
We have never met like so many others but I’ve followed you for a while since reading your book. But this is the most fantastic news anyone could want to hear!!
You were worried on Instagram that you’re posts may be upsetting which for some it might but personally as someone who has lost and is yet to even try again for another baby i find it all uplifting and fills me with hope. Hope that we all can get through the storm that is loss and experience our own rainbow at the end of it all. Truly amazing news and wishing you all the best of luck and happiness! ❤️🌈 x
Elle, I feel every word of your post. You have described the feelings of expecting a rainbow baby so accurately, I know them very well.
Our first son Leo was stillborn in May 2019 and I read your book in the early weeks after we lost him. Your blog inspired me to start my own, and writing through my grief has helped me get through this last year. We are also expecting a little rainbow, due in 3 weeks – the anxiety is real. It’s a motherhood rollercoaster, and it must be comforting to know that so many of us are on this crazy ride with you.
You are never alone in your journey 🌈 x
Oh Elle, I’m crying happy tears right now, for you and for me. I’m hiding in bed after throwing up, while my husband is on a Zoom Bible study. I’m so happy for you, after such difficult years. I’m crying for me too – pregnant with our second rainbow, waiting for the first scan on Saturday. I was never this sick with the other two pregnancies, so hope is very much alive here amongst the long days of nausea and throwing up. Much love ❤️
Ah Elle, You’re so inspiring. You do so well at breaking the silence on miscarriage and baby loss while keeping Teddy’s memory very much alive. I’m so happy for you and will take much hope for this and that my story has a rainbow soon too! ❤️🌈
I have always hoped so much that you’d have a rainbow baby brother or sister for Teddy. I am so happy to read this post. You deserve so much happiness especially after all the comfort and support you’ve given others. Sending you so much love Elle and all your family. I hope this pregnancy, birth and bubby is everything you dream it could be. xxxx
So so so happy for you!!!! I have a little girl who was born on the same day as Teddy and think about you and him so often. This is such fantastic news I’m so happy for you all xx
Oh Elle, I’m sobbing with joy!
I’m absolutely elated for you, Nico, Boris, your parents, all of you!
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so pleased and emotional for someone I’ve never met.
Sending all the love and happiness from my little family to yours 🌈 ✨
I’m so happy for you and Nico.
You’re such a brave and inspirational person to talk so bravely and openly about such heartbreaking loss.
Thank you for being you and I can’t wait to hear if Teddy has a baby brother or baby sister.
I’ve had to read this twice as tears streaming down my face with sheer happiness for both you and Nico , wishing you both well and keep safe with your rainbow lots of love Anna
I am so chuffed for you as I say I have followed you from when you were a guest on the homethatmademe page when she went on holiday. Your stories and your journey has been sad and inspirational. Your time has come now because you have done so much good for people and families who have been in your position when you lost teddy. Your baby is going to have the best mummy and daddy ever and I am looking forward to hearing all your exciting stories. Big hugs, just carry on being you. ❤️
A massive heart felt Congratulations to the both of you. I have been following your story for a few years now. I had such happy tears when I saw you happy news……
I always felt a connection because my rainbow baby Arwyn was born on the same day as your Teddy. 16.05.16.
After 2 previous losses in 2015. One was a missed miscarriage. Utterly devastating. I didnt relax the whole pregnancy until she was in my arms. Arwyn healed me.
I will be cheering you on from here!!!!
Love Lois x
Oh Elle, I cried the whole way through reading your lovely post! Like others have said, I am so thrilled for you and Nico, just the best news and exciting time. Much love to you, Nico and Boris xx
So very happy for you and Nico! Wonderful news! xx
So happy for you!!!! Such lovely news, wishing you tonnes and tonnes of happiness, you bring so much joy to others and always shine. Thank you lovely Elle x x
I’ve just cried through the whole of this post, so very happy for you both! Currently sitting cuddling my IVF rainbow 🌈 she makes all the heartache of the last two years worth it xxx
So happy that Teddy will have (another) little brother or sister 💜 followed your journey for years, before my own blessedly straightforward pregnancy and birth. As someone who hasn’t experienced loss I am grateful to never feel an unwelcome follower, and I hope/feel that through your content have a better awareness of something so infinitely personal and complex. I am ultimately a person, friend, mother, wife and sister for reading your sensitive, wise and incredible words. Thanks for using your story and Teddy’s legacy to inspire and educate. Sending love and rainbows 🌈 xxx
Wow, what a wonderful read, with tears in my eyes 😭. I’ve followed yours, Nico’s and Teddy’s story for so long and I know I speak for lots of insta strangers when I tell you that this is the story we’ve all been waiting to hear 🌈. I wish you all a lifetime of happiness ahead. Sending lots of love and virtual hugs to you all and especially to the best big brother Teddy 💙 x
Such a beautifully written post, I have tears streaming down my face (The hormones don’t help – I’m also pregnant with my second due July💙)
Thanks for bringing happiness and hope to so many at such a difficult time 🌈❤️
What a beautiful read. Congratulations on your pregnancy and I wish you all the best. I’ve loved reading your blogs and although I have never lost a baby it does give me insight to others who have and this will help. Take care Elle, you really are a wonderful lady xxx
Beautiful. I wish you all the happiness you deserve xx
Elle I’m just so so so happy for you, every time I think about you all I cry with happiness 💞 your story has stayed with me for so many years and I’ve always wanted this for you so so much, to know you are on your way there just fills me with joy 💞 I hope you get everything you ever wanted and that the journey is smoother now for you 🌈 all the love in the world to you all xxx
So incredibly happy for you all. You write so beautifully, thank you for sharing your journey with us all.
I sit herr in Sweden and have happy tears in my eyes.. I have your book and I have two daughters that know your story.. Im blessed with three grandchildren 3 year 7 months and 5 weeks.. I talked to both my daughters about your book and The movement in The UK to not forget about The mothers with children in heaven.. I told them I got a book if they need to learn about surviving if they must.. We all live what you did and jeep on doing for yourself and so many other.. Putting words on your feelings and hope..
And I know Teddys name.. ♥️🇸🇪
Sorry for The spelling that my mobile siddenly thought it had to change.. Keep not jeep as an example..
This sums up a lot of how I’m feeling. Currently 18 weeks pregnant after a missed miscarriage last year. It’s lovely to read your experiences so beautifully put. I wish you a wonderful third trimster and a healthy, happy baby.
I am so so happy for you both, I follow you on instagram and look forward to seeing all your updates, I can understand some of what your going through after loosing my little boy 3 years ago and having a little girl a year ago, it’s so scary but so worth it and theres no other person I can think of that is an amazing mummy and going to be an amazing mummy to the new arrival.
You’ve got this
Lots of love
What a beautiful post 💗
After 3 losses our rainbow arrived. He’s now 4 and when we are out on our daily walks he thinks that people have put rainbows in their window for him!
So happy for you
I’m just so happy for both you and Nico and reading this is just amazing. The day you found out must have been amazing. I haven’t lost a baby myself, just TTC for 2 years now and I dream of a positive test. I’m so so happy you got yours ♥️♥️♥️
Beautifully written. My rainbow will be 9 in July after losing my daughter 10yrs ago.
I completely relate to the extreme anxiety a rainbow pregnancy comes with. My anxiety didn’t subside till we past ‘our milestone’ which unfortunately meant I had to wait till my baby was in my arms and crying. Wishing you lots of love, strength and positive vibes. xxx
I’ve been following your story for a while and am so happy for you and the family. I had a miscarriage many years ago when we were expats in Jakarta. A year later I had my wonderful son. I never heard the term Rainbow Baby until recently but of course, that is what he is! My Rainbow Baby boy….now a strapping 23 year old young man. I hope, with all my heart, that your Rainbow Baby gives you as much love and joy as mine has done over the years.
Dammit…now I want to go and hug him! Flipping lockdown!
Elle I have followed you from the early days and honestly I couldn’t be happier for you and your husband.
I understand every word you say. I feel your pain with the anxiety you are going through and I felt exactly the same, I only really believed my rainbow was here, when I was home with him cocooned in our own bubble.
Sending so much positivity to you all and Boris of course.
Beth xx
I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy for someone I don’t actually know! Enjoy your precious rainbow lovely lady 🌈 xxx
Thank you for sharing Elle, I am so happy for you, I have cried throughout reading this blog as it brings so much hope in these strange times. I’m sure your walks with Boris are uplifting seeing all of the rainbows around 🌈 I have only been following you for a few months, but I am so pleased I came across your Instagram account. Thank you for everything you do, you truly are inspiring 💙
Elle, I’ve followed you since the early days and cried happy tears at this lovely news! I still call my biggest boy my little rainbow (he’s 8 and cringes a bit now haha) We talk of our ‘angel Joshua’ often and will do something lovely for his birthday on Monday as we always do. I felt every word you said and remember holding my breath each time the scan began until I heard his heart beat (although it felt like I held it for 9 months!) Looking forward to seeing you get your happy ending that you more than deserve
So so happy for you. Currently going through a loss and this post has brought me so much comfort and hope for better times ahead x x x
Incredibly happy for you. Stumbled across your page when we lost our first born.. our precious little boy Oisín. I thought of you often since – delighted you will have a little brother or sister for Teddy. We welcomed our little rainbow Rónán in December..still pinching myself. Sending positive energy and intentions your way over the coming weeks. ❣
Congratulations to you Elle. I lost my baby girl Yaeli in February at 40 weeks+1 day. My best school friends sent me a copy of your book a few weeks ago which I read in one afternoon and absolutely loved it. It has inspired me to start my own blog. I too have so much hope in my heart and I’m so happy that you are pregnant once more. Enjoy every moment despite the fesr. Much love xxx